Welcome to my new site!

Learning Ladyhood has always been the story of a journey. In the early days, it was just a smattering of experiences and lessons I derived therefrom as I journeyed from girlhood to “ladyhood”. It was written from my perspective then: looking out on the world with new and frightened eyes, working away to gain all the skills I thought I would use, trying to figure out how to become not just a woman, but a lady. It also records a journey of expectations, disappointments, and finally, a settling in to what God has planned for me. Yes, those early posts tell a story of a journey, but these past two years, that old story of the old journey has taken a back seat to a new story. It is the story of the journey I’ve been on all along, but I just didn’t know how to tell it back then.


Now, eleven years since I began Learning Ladyhood and tentatively typed my first post, I am transitioning to my own website, and am focusing on producing some resources for those journeying along with me as I continue to seek to learn what Christian Ladyhood is all about. Lord willing, I hope to have some of those resources available within the next year.


A note about the past:

When I began to contemplate the transition from my old blog site to the new, I looked back over those posts I wrote early on, and decided to transfer over only those which I felt would illustrate some important truth that would help others along their own journeys. So if I have missed any posts you particularly liked, please accept my humble apologies, and know that I am planning on keeping up the blogger site, at least for now, so you could always pop over there and peruse the old stuff if you’d like.  


To Belong


A Candle in the Window