Books by Learning Ladyhood Press

Learning Ladyhood prints through Ingram Spark. Links will take you to my page on Ingram’s website.

You can also find my books online at Amazon or at Barnes & Noble.

  • This devotional series walks through the words to different hymns, taking time to examine what they mean, what Scriptural truths they reference, and what those truths mean for us today.

    Scroll down the page to view the titles in this series.

  • Written to be deep, but readable and easy to understand, this series of devotional-level commentaries seeks to answer the questions: “What does it mean?” and “How does that apply to me today?”

    Scroll down the page to view the titles in this series.

  • This short book written for young ladies (5th grade and up) presents the truth that gender is a gift from God—and that it’s a good gift! It walks through the major passages that deal with God’s design and purpose for women, as well as the Christlike character He desires in us.

    Scroll down the page to learn more!

  • The Katherine of Harborhaven series is written for adults, but is suitable for younger ages as well.

    If you like history, tea shops, or just a good, uplifting read, this series is for you!

    It begins with a young woman in her twenties who moves to a small historic harbor town, hoping a return to the place that felt like home will heal the hurt in her heart.

    When things don’t go as expected, she begins to discover that the only way to find rest for her soul is by seeking the Lord.

    Scroll down the page to view the titles in this series.

Hymns for the Heart

Praise to the Lord, the Almighty: Daily Devotional ....
Harmon, Gwendolyn

The exultant words of the hymn, Praise to the Lord, the Almighty call us to praise the Lord for who He is and what He does. But so often, we rush right by the jubilant stanzas without truly considering what they mean. This book takes a deeper look at the hymn text and the Biblical truths it illustrates.

#6 in the Hymns for the Heart series

Tune My Heart: Daily Devotions From the Beloved Hy ....
Harmon, Gwendolyn

Tune My Heart

The classic hymn, Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing, cries out for a heart tuned to sing God’s grace. But how do we do this? This 16-day devotional walks through the hymn text, examining what the Bible has to say about how to tune our hearts to the heart of God.

#1 in the Hymns for the Heart series

Hark: Daily Devotions for Christmas from "Hark th ....
Harmon, Gwendolyn


“Hark, the Herald Angels Sing” has long been a part of Christendom’s Christmas soundtrack, but it can be easy to sing or listen to the song and miss the message. The same holds true for Christmas: it is easy to rush through it and miss the glorious truth of what we are celebrating. This 25-day devotional is designed to help you slow down and listen to the encouraging and awe-inspiring truths behind both the hymn text and Christmas itself.

#2 in the Hymns for the Heart series

Jesus, I Come: Daily Devotionals on Personal Reviv ....
Harmon, Gwendolyn

Jesus, I Come

The text of the hymn, Jesus I Come, is the prayer of a heart drawing near to the Savior. This 22-day devotional walks through the Scriptural truths from the hymn to encourage the reader to draw near to God and experience the joy, hope, and peace of personal revival.

#3 in the Hymns for the Heart series.

Risen: Daily Devotions on the Resurrection from th ....
Harmon, Gwendolyn


The resurrection of Christ is something we tend think about only around Easter, but its significance extends far beyond our celebrations of Resurrection Sunday. This 16-day devotional examines the doctrine of the Resurrection using the text of Charles Wesley’s hymn, “Christ the Lord is Risen Today” as its theme. The short devotionals in this book are intended to bring the joy of the resurrection into everyday life by deepening the reader’s understanding of its many facets.

#4 in the Hymns for the Heart Series

We Gather Together: Daily Devotionals for Thanksgi ....
Harmon, Gwendolyn

We Gather Together

Intended to be a prelude to the American holiday of Thanksgiving, this devotional examines the words of the hymn “We Gather Together,” focusing on the hymnist’s original theme of

God’s faithfulness to His people during a time of persecution. Originally written to commemorate Holland’s hard-fought battle for independence and religious freedom, the hymn also reminds us of our need for God’s continued working to preserve the freedom of worship we Americans so often take for granted.

#5 in the Hymns for the Heart series

Devotional Commentaries

Contentment: Truths from Proverbs 30:7-9
Harmon, Gwendolyn

Contentment: Truths from Proverbs 30:7-9

We live in a world that fights against contentment. It pushes us to listen to the longings of our hearts for the things we wish we had. And yet, contentment is an important mark of Christlike character, and a means by which we show our faith in God. But how do we learn to be content?  Proverbs 30:7-9 gives us a glimpse into the heart of a man truly content with God.

Blessed: A Study of the Beatitudes
Harmon, Gwendolyn,

Blessed: a Study of the Beatitudes

We all have our ideas of what God’s blessing will look like in our lives, but what kind of people does God say are blessed? This book walks through the Beatitudes of Matthew 5 verse by verse, matching each characteristic of the “blessed” with either positive or negative examples from the Bible, to illustrate in living color what it looks like to be someone God can bless.

Fruitful: A Study of the Fruit of the Spirit
Harmon, Gwendolyn

Fruitful: A Study of the Fruit of the Spirit

The fruit of the Spirit in Galatians 5:22-23 is often viewed as a list of separate qualities we need to add to our lives. But the fruit of the Spirit is not something we put on or work up in ourselves. It is the result of the Holy Spirit’s working in and through us as we choose to obey Him.

This devotional commentary delves into the individual characteristics that together make up the Fruit of the Spirit, with an emphasis on our dependence upon the Holy Spirit to empower our obedience.

Think on These Things: A Study of Philippians 4:8
Harmon, Gwendolyn

Our thoughts have a profound effect on our lives and our walk with God. Scripture tells us to bring “into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.” (2 Corinthians 10:5) But how does that work? This book takes an in-depth look at Philippians 4:8 and what it means to “think on these things.”

Revived: A Study of Psalm 85
Harmon, Gwendolyn
Like a Lady: Understanding God's Design
Harmon, Gwendolyn

Wholesome Fiction

Katherine of Harborhaven: a New Beginning
Harmon, Gwendolyn

It was her last option. Ever since she moved away as a child, Katherine had felt a pull, a deep longing to return to the only place that ever felt like home.

Now, newly graduated, jobless, and with no place to live, she has returned to her beloved hometown, only to find that home wasn’t the answer to her problems after all.

Seeking relief from the burdens of the past, she stumbles across a tea shop and opens the door to a new beginning. But will it bring rest to her longing soul?

A Season of Change
Harmon, Gwendolyn