Stepping Forward, Scaling Back

Summer has begun, and as I begin to settle into a new routine, a few things are changing here at Learning Ladyhood:


As I sought the Lord’s will about how He wanted me to spend this summer, there were two things that became obvious. The first is that in order to focus more on the long-term writing projects (i.e. books) I really ought to scale back down to just one post per week.

At first, I couldn’t quite fathom writing just one post each week, because I’ve been posting two each week for over a year now. It makes life more stressful, but by now it has become a habit.

However, as I prayed about it more, it became clearer and clearer that God really did want me to scale back.

So, this will be my first one-post week of the summer.


I will still be sending out links to new posts to my mailing list. (sign up at the bottom of the page) but it will now be limited to just one email a week. My email subscribers also get behind-the-scenes updates on my works in progress as well as the occasional insider tip when my books are about to go on sale.

That brings me to the next thing God made clear as I prayed about how to spend my summer:


Learning Ladyhood now has an online store! (Click here, or navigate via the store link at the top of the page)

I am now selling my books here on Learning Ladyhood, in addition to other places online such as Amazon and Barnes and Noble. It feels like a scary big step forward into unknown territory, but I am excited about the opportunities I have now.

The Learning Ladyhood bookstore now also offers gift cards, as well as an option to donate towards the blog’s upkeep.

You may have noticed that this blog doesn’t have any advertisements (other than the occasional shameless plug for one of my books.)

The Learning Ladyhood blog has always been intended as a free resource, and I am committed to keep it that way. However, if you appreciate Learning Ladyhood, and want to help out, you are welcome to stop by the online store and make a donation!

—But enough about me, let’s dig into some Scripture!

Today’s Post:

In the midst of all this scaling back and stepping forward, a verse came to my mind:


“The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord: and He delighteth in his way. Though he fall, he shall not be utterly cast down, for the Lord upholdeth him with His hand.” (Psalm 37:23-24)


It is so encouraging to know that as we follow God, taking steps of obedience where He leads us, He actually delights in our steps!

Imagine! The God Who created everything that exists, Who is so perfect and good and powerful, Who reigns over all creation, not only sees me, but actually takes delight in my feeble steps of obedience!  

Just as encouraging is the truth that it is God’s hand that upholds us as we walk. As Jude 1:24 says, God is “able to keep you from falling, and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy”

We do not serve a stern, foreboding king who is just waiting for us to fall so he can punish us. We serve a King of Kings who is also our loving Father, rejoicing and delighting in our tottering steps as we walk with Him.

Whether you are in the midst of stepping forward, scaling back, or just faithfully holding steady in obedience to God, remember that when your steps are ordered by the Lord, He delights in them!



First Things First


Facing the Impossible