Strength And Grace

The unpleasant blaring of my alarm clock jarred me out of sleep, making me rush to silence it before it woke everyone in the house. Bleary-eyed, I checked the time on my phone, grabbed a sweater, and knelt beside my bed to pray.

Lord, you know I can’t do this without Your help today. Please give me strength!

It was the morning of the first day of school. It was easy to put my heart into my time with God that morning, because after fourteen years of “first days,” I was well aware how exhausting it can be. Nursing an already sore foot, I hobbled around my house, preparing for the most intense day of the schoolyear—one I knew would require me to stand or walk nearly the entire school day.

I had asked God to heal my foot before the first day, but His answer had been no. Had God heard? Of course! But with our omniscient, perfectly wise God, no is as much of a valid and good answer as yes.

How do I know this? Well, first of all, because that’s what the Bible says about it. In 2 Corinthians 12, Paul has a “thorn in the flesh,” some problem that was evidently painful and constant. Look what he says about it:

“For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. And He said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for My strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” (vv.8-9)

Like Paul, I had asked God to take away the painful problem with my foot, and like Paul, the answer I received was a no.

But you know what? God gave me grace and strength, and I made it through that first day just fine! My foot still hurt, but God helped me to be able to bear it, and even eased the pain right at the times I needed it most.

In this and so many other ways this week, God has poured out His mercy and lovingkindness on me, and I have been both humbled and encouraged to see His hand at work to bring good even out of what I would have considered a bad thing. Of course, I won’t be going around trying to find ways to suffer, but that sore foot was a reminder that God is faithful, and His grace and strength truly are sufficient for me.

Now, dear Reader, that’s enough about me: are you struggling with anything “thorny” today? Look to God and be encouraged that He offers you grace and strength sufficient for whatever He calls you to go through.


“The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am healed: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise Him.” Psalm 28:7

My Shepherd


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