Abundantly Sufficient

“And God is able to make all grace abound toward you; that ye, always having all sufficiency in all things, may abound to every good work.” ( 2 Corinthians 9:8)

Have you ever noticed how many times the word “all” appears in that verse? It used to strike me as annoyingly repetitive: all grace, all sufficiency, all things… but that’s really the point.

Each of those “all”s is necessary to communicate the total completeness of what God offers to us. His desire is to pour out on us His grace in all its abundance over our lives, empowering us to do everything His good and acceptable and perfect will has planned out for us.

No matter what God has planned for us to do, He has the grace all ready to pour out on us to enable us to do it. And not only does He offer grace, He offers all grace. We can never say we did not have enough grace to accomplish all God had planned for us, for He gives us not just some, or even enough, but all.  

And all grace leads to the provision of all sufficiency in all things. Anything God wants us to give or expend in the performance of His will, He will provide. As Philippians 4:19 promises, “But my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.” We never need worry about how we can afford to give so much, or where the time or resources will come from for a specific project God is leading us into, for He not only commands the work, He funds it as well.

And the result of all this abundance? More abundance! God bestows grace abundantly that we “may abound to every good work.” The purpose of God’s pouring out of His grace upon us is that we in turn would accomplish the good works He has planned for us to do. There can never be a good excuse for neglecting to do anything God asks of us, for He has done all the planning, and providing, for the purpose that we might have the privilege in sharing in his glorious work.

And the tasks He plans for us will never be too hard for us, so long as we remember that it is His grace, His sufficiency, and His work.

“I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.” Philippians 4:13


Not Like Me


Never a Waste