The Big Picture

Have you ever had someone set up a perfect witnessing opportunity?

A few months ago, I did. However, I was just a moment too slow with my reply, and right when I opened my mouth to speak, the man turned and walked away. I never got to tell him about Jesus.

I was disappointed and a little frustrated. I watched and waited for another opportunity, but nothing ever came. Lord, I prayed, I was ready to obey, I wanted to speak for You… why didn’t I get another chance?

It’s easy for you or I to feel like we’re the only one out there influencing people for Christ. We might think that if we don’t get an opportunity to witness to someone, no one else will.

But God isn’t up in heaven wondering how to get the gospel to all the people I don’t get to give it to.

I may be frustrated by my lack of results, but God sees the whole picture.

Of course, I’m not saying that it isn’t important for me to be faithful to share the gospel. Telling others about Christ is the very thing we are here to do.

You’re probably familiar with what we usually refer to as the Great Commission:

“Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)

We are to share the gospel –and yet, it is not about mere effort. It’s about following the leading of the Holy Spirit, allowing Him to guide you through the part He has planned for you to play in the grander design of interwoven lives which only He can see.

From my perspective, that interrupted conversation was a missed opportunity, but from God’s perspective, it was something quite different.

You see, like Elijah of old, I hadn’t taken into consideration the fact that God has many other servants He can use to reach people.

That very man with whom I had wanted to share the gospel ended up being reached by another believer from my church. In fact, I found out that several people from my church had been reaching out to that very man for weeks… my interaction with him was just one small piece of a larger puzzle.

When I saw him at church the first Sunday he visited, I was encouraged to think of how many different people God had brought across this man’s path to give tracts, speak of Jesus, and simply live out the gospel which different ones were sharing with him week by week.

It reminded me that my efforts to witness aren’t about me: they’re about yielding to God’s leading. I may not get to see the fruit of my endeavors, but if they have been done in obedience to the Holy Spirit and through His power, I know that my efforts will not be in vain.

The key is simply to obey and trust God with the results.



Service and Sacrifice


Unfurled: A Lesson in Christian Growth