What Do We Do With the Rest?

It was just a simple question, almost spoken in passing during one of Pastor's sermons. But it struck me at the time, and I wrote it down in my sermon notes.

I don't even remember the exact context of it now. I only know that the Holy Spirit used it to cause me to examine how I had used the days of "rest" during Christmas break. As I ran across this question again this week, I was reminded of the responsibility we all have to use the times of rest God gives us wisely and well.

This current crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic has left many of us somewhat —if not completely— isolated, and has cleared our schedules of the external things with which we keep ourselves so busy.

So what have we done with this opportunity to rest? Have we kept ourselves busy worrying? Have we filled up our extra time with binge-watching or social media, trying to numb loneliness or fear? Have we continued to rush from distraction to distraction, or have we used this time to rest in the Lord; to be still before Him? Have we brought our burdens and fears to Him, then enjoyed the rest of knowing that He has heard and will act for our good?

As the world around us has ground to a halt, have we allowed ourselves to slow down as well?

Being too busy has become somewhat of a habit for me, and it has taken a concerted effort for me to let myself slow down and accept this season of rest. Yet I know that God has provided it for a reason, and means for it to draw me closer to Him.

I have to be careful, lest I overcrowd my days with things that distract from the Lord, but that is not the only danger during seasons of rest. We might be as equally prone to squandering the season of rest by doing nothing. This week, I have struggled to stay motivated to do what I know I need to be doing.

 It often takes just as much effort to say "yes" to what God wants us to spend time on as it does to say "no" to things He wants us to avoid.

I have found that God sometimes gives me rest by having me do something that I might not think will promote rest. For example, I usually take a nap on Sunday afternoons (doesn't everyone?). However, during this time when I have more opportunity for physical rest, I have found it helpful to use that time on Sundays for extra Bible reading and study instead. This has helped me rest spiritually and physically, since giving up my nap makes me more tired when it's time to sleep.

Whatever your season of rest looks like, it has come with a responsibility, and we must each ask ourselves, "What do we do with the rest?" The answer will be a bit different for each person, and requires that we spend time being still before the Lord, asking Him to direct us throughout each day.

As always, the key is to stay focused on God and submitted to His will -even in our times of rest.

"Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls." 

Matthew 11:28-29


Inviting God In


When God Withholds