When God Withholds

Yesterday was Valentine's day. And you know what? It wasn't horrible.

I woke up this morning and was reflecting on what made this year's Valentines day different. I'm still single like I was the years it was so hard, I'm still living at home with my parents like I was, and honestly, not much has changed. What has changed, however, is the focus of my heart.

The Bible says "No good thing will He withhold from them that walk uprightly." (Psalm 84:11b)

For years, the focus of my heart was on the "someday" when God would stop withholding that which I was sure was His plan for me. I was just biding my time until God decided to bring the right one along for me to marry.

But that attitude and that heart-focus both run contrary to the character of God. He does not withhold that which is good. If He does withhold something, it is because it would not be a "good thing" for us.

I had come to understand this in the last few years, and that has helped my contentment enormously, but this morning the Holy Spirit pointed out this verse during my time with God and took me to the next step with this truth.

It's not just that marriage is being withheld because it isn't a good thing, it's that singleness has been given because it is. If God had given me what I wanted, I would have been so busy with husband and kids and housework that I would never have learned all the things being single has taught me. And I also would likely not have become a writer.

The more I thought about this, the more I could see how God had given me this season of singleness on purpose, because it is exactly the "good thing" I needed to propel me into the place of influence and purpose He planned for me to fill.

And since I know that God sees singleness as a good thing, and meant this season exactly for me, I don't need to feel left out or as if something is missing. I have all I need because He has provided. That's why this Valentine's day was not the day of discouragement and discontent it used to be, because I have a sense of purpose that calls me to trust the Lord's plan and be content in His loving care.

Contentment chooses to see what is given, rather than that which is withheld.


What Do We Do With the Rest?


Joy in the Midst of Crisis