Walk With Me

“O house of Jacob, come ye, and let us walk in the light of the Lord.”

Isaiah 2:5

Summer break is just about to begin, and amidst the whirl of the schoolyear’s “last things” and the anticipation of summer plans, this verse has been beckoning my heart.

I came across it a few weeks ago as I began reading through Isaiah in my time with God. It stood out to me, but at first I wasn’t sure why. It has been on my heart ever since, and I finally figured out the reason the Holy Spirit has been pointing out it to me.

This verse was written to the “house of Jacob” which was one of God’s names for the people of Israel. In these first few chapters of Isaiah, God is pleading with His people to turn from their stubbornness and idolatry and return to Him. He was ready, willing, and waiting to forgive them, but in His justice, He could not allow their sin to continue forever. If they would not repent, judgement was certain.

This passage, as well as so many others scattered amongst the prophetic books of the Old Testament, highlights the fact that God did not want it to come to that. He would much rather forgive than punish. But the people of Israel ignored His pleas and warnings and kept on with their idolatry.

This is the context of the call to walk in the light of the Lord. It is a call to turn, to seek, but it is also a call to fellowship with one who is likewise seeking God.

For me, this verse has become a sort of vision for the summer: something around which to frame my plans for ministry, family time and writing.

You see, as a teacher, the summer always begins with a shift in focus. Last year, it was an entire shifting of my focus to writing, since many of our ministry activities had to be cancelled.

This year, with ministry ramping back up, I am seeking to strike a balance between all the different things that so easily fill up my time.

My focus really shouldn’t be on “all the things,” though, and this verse has reminded me of that. My focus should be on walking in the light of the Lord. My goal should be to spend each day doing the things He wants me to do, ministering to the people He wants me to invest in, and walking in the light of His presence every moment.

Of course, this applies to my writing as well, and I hope you will join with me this summer as I focus my time and attention on walking with God and living in the light of His presence.

So as a new season begins, I officially invite you:

Come, let us walk in the light of the Lord!



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