Thoughts along the Journey…
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“What Doest Thou Here?”
Sometimes, we can get so caught up in our own problems and discouragements that we forget to seek God Himself, not just what He can do for us.

Filling our Mindless Moments
The things we do mindlessly to fill time often seem completely neutral, but what does the Bible say about how we use our mindless moments?

A Change in our Perspective
We live in an age of distraction, but the need for a periodic adjustment to our perspective is not new. Mark 13 gives us an example of how Christ helped His disciples refocus on eternal things.

Take up Your Cross
You may have heard sermons on what it means to “take up your cross,” and so have I, but in a recent read-through of John 13, I was struck by the example of Jesus Himself as He prepared to take up His own cross.

Deny Yourself
Our culture is all about expressing oneself, but Jesus teaches just the opposite. Life in Christ is not a matter of self-focus, but self-denial. A life of self-denial may seem bleak at first, but for the Christian, it is truly a blessing.

Right Beside Me
We all have people we look up to, godly people who have mentored us and discipled us. But as Elisha found out, we cannot keep our “Elijahs” in our lives forever. What happens when we find ourselves facing life without a beloved mentor?

Walk With Me
Summer is just about to begin, and one verse keeps coming to mind, calling me to renew my focus.

The First Step Down the Path of Disobedience
As a Christian, I want to serve God. I want to walk with Him down the path of obedience and blessing, but sometimes I find myself far down the wrong path. Where does it all begin?

Keeping Focused in Troubling Times
We live in troubling times, there’s no doubt about that. It is crucial that we keep our focus on God and what He says is true about our circumstances.