Thoughts along the Journey…
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Results of Revival
Revival is a wonderful thing, but what does a revived Christian look like? Psalm 85 gives us a glimpse.

The Perfect Work of Patience
Patience is a virtue, but we usually don’t like learning it. Yet patience and faith go hand in hand.

Temperance: Fruit of the Spirit Part 10
This may be the least popular of all the characteristics of the fruit of the Spirit, but as each of the others, it has a crucial significance to the Christian life.

Meekness: Fruit of the Spirit Part 9
Meekness is often seen as a weakness in our culture, but Scripture shows us that it is one of the outpourings of a heart yielded to the Holy Spirit.

Faith: Fruit of the Spirit Part 8
The topic of faith is difficult to summarize in just one post, but here goes…

Goodness: Fruit of the Spirit Part 7
God is good. That’s a truth we find all over the Word of God. As Christians, we are to reflect that goodness. So what does that look like in our every day lives?

Gentleness: Fruit of the Spirit Part 6
Gentleness is something we enjoy receiving, but sometimes have trouble extending to others. What does it mean to us that the fruit of the Spirit is gentleness?

Longsuffering: Fruit of the Spirit Part 5
Longsuffering sounds like the exact opposite of what we want to do, yet it is an important part of the Holy Spirit’s work in and through Christians. It is also an attribute of God, for which we have every cause to be grateful!

Peace: the Fruit of the Spirit Part 4
The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace… What does it mean to have God’s peace?