Thoughts along the Journey…
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Surely Goodness and Mercy
There’s a phrase in Psalm 23 that is probably familiar to you, but perhaps, like me, you have never taken time to really apply it to your life.

A Season of Gratitude
The Bible says there is a time and season to everything. In America, we are blessed to have a holiday set aside for the giving of thanks. But how can we keep from getting distracted or caught up in the details of the day?

Sufficient Unto the Day
It can be easy to worry about many things, but Jesus said, “Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof.”

Responding to God
Reading through Genesis, I noticed a startling response by Abraham to an amazing promise of God. We, too, often fall into the same attitude toward who God is and what He has promised to do and be for us.

What to Do When You Feel Like Complaining
It’s easy to complain, but what does God think about it? And what do we do when tempted to grumble?

Finding Thankfulness
The week leading up to Thanksgiving can be exhausting, and it is easy to end up so tired or busy we don’t feel very thankful. God recently convicted my heart with Psalm 18:30 and a truth that renewed my thankfulness to God.

What If?
This world can be a worrisome place. But God can help us turn worry into trust, and make our “what if”s shift into a whole new direction.

God so Loved the World
John 3:16 is a familiar verse to many, but it contains the answers to three important questions about the love of God.

Facing the Impossible
Just nine short months ago, the schoolyear seemed as if it was going to be a string of one impossibility after another, but looking back, I now see that God had a purpose for each one.