Thoughts along the Journey…
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Worth it After All
Decluttering can be hard, especially when that decluttering takes the form of relics from past interests or careers that didn’t last. But a Biblical perspective can change how we see those seasons of life that seem like a waste.

40 Days with the Sheep
You probably know the story of David and Goliath, but recently I noticed a little detail in the middle of the account that surprised me.

Envy in Christian Ministry
When we accept Christ’s payment for our sins, He destroys both the penalty and power of sin in our lives. However, this side of heaven, we do still have a very real sin nature. And because we are but redeemed sinners, our service for the Lord can be tainted by sinful motives and attitudes. One sin that seems to arise often in the context of ministry is envy. How are we to respond?

Old Wounds, New Growth
Try as we might, we cannot escape the hard things of life. Even if we keep from bringing heartache and brokenness upon ourselves, this world is still a broken place full of broken people: at some point we all will find ourselves with wounds we feel may never heal. How are we to respond?

Doing What We Can: Mary of Bethany’s Example to Christian Women
Jesus said of Mary of Bethany, “She hath done what she could.” You and I are each called to do what we can, and this week God stirred my heart with several aspects of serving God as a woman which Mary’s example puts on display.

Why Study the Bible?
It’s barely a week into the new year, and in Christian circles, we hear a lot about Bible reading plans and doing our “devotions” or time with God. But truly studying God’s Word takes effort. Why do we do it? 2 Timothy 2:15 tells us just a few reasons why we should study the Bible.

Bereft, yet Blessed: Lessons from the Life of Anna
Anna’s part of the Christmas account is brief, but it puts an encouraging aspect of God’s character on display and points to the purpose behind the bleakest seasons of our lives.

A Unique Calling
Have you ever fallen into the trap of comparing your circumstances with someone else’s? If so, you know the danger of forgetting the important truth that God has a unique calling for each of His children.

Service and Sacrifice
When serving the Lord is a way of life, we can easily forget the one thing that transforms service into a sacrificial act of love to God.