Thoughts along the Journey…
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Life Redeemed
When I received the precious gift of salvation, Christ redeemed my soul, purchasing my pardon and also my freedom from the penalty of sin. He also redeemed my life.

Give Thanks for God’s Goodness
Many times in Scripture, we are called to “Give thanks unto the Lord, for He is good” On the eve of Thanksgiving, what better time to take another look at the goodness of God!

Declaring God’s Goodness
There is no one on earth who can claim that God has not been good to them. His tender mercies are indeed over all His works. So, why is it so hard to come up with things to say about God’s goodness?

Satisfied with God’s Mercy
Psalm 90 has often been called “the Revival Psalm”. It begins with a display of God’s goodness and majesty, contrasted with our own fleeting lifetimes. It speaks of God knowing our iniquities and our secret sins, and then goes on to stress the importance of keeping the brevity of life before us as a motivation to apply our hearts to wisdom.
But then, the Psalmist makes a plea that I find quite striking.

Certainty in the Midst of Chaos
When we look around this world and all we see is uncertainty, instability, and chaos, what’s an anxious Christian to do? Look to the only source of certainty: God Himself.

Daily Mercies
God’s mercy is not limited to salvation. He has sprinkled His mercy throughout each day.