Thoughts along the Journey…
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The Blessing Behind Unfulfilled Longings
We all face times when it seems the thing we long for most is inexplicably withheld. It may be during these times that God is preparing our hearts for a blessing we would never expect.

A Place to Pray
Have you ever noticed that prayer tends to be easier when we make a habit of praying in a specific place?

The Result of Prayer
It’s easy to get caught up in our problems and forget to take them to the Lord. But when we neglect to take our requests to God, we miss out on more than just answers to prayer.

Quality to my Quantity
Time spent in God’s Word is crucial to the Christian life. But how do we keep ourselves from skimming through it mindlessly instead of taking time to actually think about what we are reading?

Christ Interceding
Romans 8 is a favorite passage of mine, but recently I noticed something in it which had never stood out to me before.

When Love Makes Enemies
To show the love of God to others is a foundational part of the Christian life. But just as not everyone responds to God’s love, there are times when our best attempts at loving others the way God loves will not work out the way we wanted.
What do we do when love makes enemies instead of friends?

Be Still
We live such busy lives, time with God can end up a rushed recital of a list of things we want. We might remember to praise God for something, or thank Him for the answers He will give, but so often we forget to just be still before Him.

Importunate Prayer
In Luke 18, God gives an example of prayer that can only be described as annoyingly persistent. This kind of importunate prayer is something God desires from His people.