Thoughts along the Journey…
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A Steward of 2020
We have each been placed by God in this specific moment of history, each facing our own unique set of challenges and opportunities. We have a responsibility to live out 2020 for God.

God’s Plan for Ashes
Ashes are the useless, crumbly bits left over after everything else has been consumed. What good can be done with ashes? God gives us a glimpse.

How the Shift to Online School Highlights Biblical Family Structure
All across the country, parents are scrambling to figure out how to keep their children learning and cared for as school begins online. There are some families, however, who are not scrambling. Why? Because God’s design for the family works.

Stilling a Busy Mind
Sometimes when I pray, it seems like my mind is working against my heart, running to and fro all over the place while I’m trying to focus. So how do I still my busy mind? There are a couple verses in Scripture I’ve found very helpful.

Daily Mercies
God’s mercy is not limited to salvation. He has sprinkled His mercy throughout each day.

The Value of Encouragement
Two summers ago, I was hard at work on a research paper about Fort Stevens. It was my second research paper for that particular professor, so I knew I had to work hard for the A+ I so desired.

To Belong
We all have an innate desire to belong. Whether to a family, community or just one person, the desire for belonging can be a powerful force. This is because we were made for fellowship.

Welcome to my new site!
Learning Ladyhood has always been about a journey. In the early days, it was just a smattering of experiences and lessons I derived therefrom as I journeyed from girlhood to “ladyhood”. It was written from my perspective then: looking out on the world with new and frightened eyes, working away to gain all the skills I thought I would use, trying to figure out how to become not just a woman, but a lady.

A Candle in the Window
With so much darkness around us, it can be easy to feel like there's been a major power outage. But the truth is, we are not a power grid to be shut off, but a collection of individual candles, each one carefully shielded from the world's attempts to blow it out.