Thoughts along the Journey…

Give Thanks for God’s Sovereignty
Gwendolyn Harmon Gwendolyn Harmon

Give Thanks for God’s Sovereignty

In Revelation 11:17, the twenty-four elders in heaven worship God, falling on their faces and saying, “We give Thee thanks, O Lord God Almighty, which art, and wast, and art to come; because Thou hast taken to Thee Thy great power, and hast reigned”

They are giving thanks to God for His power on display as He reigns over all creation. We call this the sovereignty of God.

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Give Thanks for God’s Trustworthiness
Gwendolyn Harmon Gwendolyn Harmon

Give Thanks for God’s Trustworthiness

Have you ever stopped to consider the importance of the fact that God is trustworthy? Psalm 118 calls us to give thanks to God, highlighting the attribute of His trustworthiness.

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Honor to Whom Honor is Due
Gwendolyn Harmon Gwendolyn Harmon

Honor to Whom Honor is Due

Today is Veteran’s Day, a holiday for expressing thanks to those who defend our nation. Peace and safety are never free, and the defense of one’s homeland is a task never finished. We have much to be grateful for.

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Satisfied with God’s Mercy
Attributes of God, Gratitude Gwendolyn Harmon Attributes of God, Gratitude Gwendolyn Harmon

Satisfied with God’s Mercy

Psalm 90 has often been called “the Revival Psalm”. It begins with a display of God’s goodness and majesty, contrasted with our own fleeting lifetimes. It speaks of God knowing our iniquities and our secret sins, and then goes on to stress the importance of keeping the brevity of life before us as a motivation to apply our hearts to wisdom.

But then, the Psalmist makes a plea that I find quite striking.

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A Lesson from the Life of Lady Jane Grey (and a book review)

A Lesson from the Life of Lady Jane Grey (and a book review)

The story of the 16-year-old who reigned for only nine days as Queen of England has fascinated me over the years. The more I learn of her, the more I am challenged by her life as well as what was recorded of her words. We can learn much from this young martyr, who remained steadfast in her faith, even in the face of certain death.

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Seek the Peace
Culture Gwendolyn Harmon Culture Gwendolyn Harmon

Seek the Peace

Hebrews 11 reminds us that as Christians, we are strangers and pilgrims in this world. In a sense, we are in exile while we wait to journey to our heavenly home. So what does God want us to do while we’re here?

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