Thoughts along the Journey…
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The Big Picture
It is easy to think that sharing the gospel is just up to us: that whether or not someone hears and responds to the gospel is dependent upon whether or not we have an opportunity to witness to them. It is important that we be faithful to share the gospel with others, but are we looking at witnessing opportunities from God’s point of view?
Unfurled: A Lesson in Christian Growth
We like to keep ourselves wrapped tightly in our own opinions, habits, and attitudes, but for Christians, God has something better planned.
That Which is Least
It seems like the most natural thing in springtime to begin to coast along, enjoying the sun when it shines and putting off all our to-dos until the last possible moment. But Scripture reminds us that we are called to be faithful.
To Be Content
Can we ever be “perfectly happy?” In Philippians 4 we are given a glimpse into the lessons of contentment learned by one of the very first missionaries.
Choosing the Path of Blessing
It is easy to read the book of Ruth and skim over the first chapter, but that is where the real turning point of Ruth’s life occurs.
Life Redeemed
When I received the precious gift of salvation, Christ redeemed my soul, purchasing my pardon and also my freedom from the penalty of sin. He also redeemed my life.
Blessed are Ye
This final beatitude brings the truths home, emphasizing the fact that these blessings can be yours and mine!
“Blessed are the persecuted”… that seems such a contradiction, but Christ said it, and it is true. How can the persecuted Christian be described as blessed, or happy?
A Powerful Peacemaker
You might not think of Joseph as a peacemaker, but throughout his dealings with his brothers, he exemplifies the character and focus of a true peacemaker.