Thoughts along the Journey…
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Take up Your Cross
You may have heard sermons on what it means to “take up your cross,” and so have I, but in a recent read-through of John 13, I was struck by the example of Jesus Himself as He prepared to take up His own cross.

Deny Yourself
Our culture is all about expressing oneself, but Jesus teaches just the opposite. Life in Christ is not a matter of self-focus, but self-denial. A life of self-denial may seem bleak at first, but for the Christian, it is truly a blessing.

Our Eternal God
The fact that God is eternal isn’t just some dry fact for theologians to study and debate. It is a Scriptural truth which has some very practical implications for us in our day to day lives.

Wait and See
Sometimes in the Christian life, God allows circumstances to arise in which we have no other choice but to wait on Him. One such occasion happened in my life recently, and I was reminded to wait and see what God will do.

When God Says No
No one likes being told no. But what do we do when it’s God telling us no? 2 Corinthians 12 contains a helpful truth about why God says no, and how we can respond with trusting hope, even when God’s answer to our prayers doesn’t line up with what we wanted.

Strength from Sitting Still
God often leads us to “still waters” just when we think we don’t have time for being still. So what do we do when there is nothing we can do? What is the purpose for those inconvenient seasons of illness or injury that force us to be still?

Old Wounds, New Growth
Try as we might, we cannot escape the hard things of life. Even if we keep from bringing heartache and brokenness upon ourselves, this world is still a broken place full of broken people: at some point we all will find ourselves with wounds we feel may never heal. How are we to respond?

Temperance: Fruit of the Spirit Part 10
This may be the least popular of all the characteristics of the fruit of the Spirit, but as each of the others, it has a crucial significance to the Christian life.

Meekness: Fruit of the Spirit Part 9
Meekness is often seen as a weakness in our culture, but Scripture shows us that it is one of the outpourings of a heart yielded to the Holy Spirit.