Thoughts along the Journey…
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The Year King Uzziah Died
Ever looked around you at a situation that seemed hopeless? Isaiah 6 gives us a glimpse into where God is when things look bleak.

Givens and Not Givens
Everyone deals with longings for things they don’t have, or with things in their lives they wish they didn’t have. What we do with these “givens” and “not givens” of life will determine whether we are miserable or peaceful and fulfilled.

Love and Sacrifice
Christ said that we were to love one another as He loved us. His love led Him to die for those who were unworthy of His sacrifice. What does that mean for us?

But if Not
Have you ever wondered what true faith looks like? The account of the three Hebrews who stood for God even in the face of a fiery furnace inspires us to take some dramatic stand for God, but we often don’t notice one crucial phrase in their reply to the wicked king.

Envy in Christian Ministry
When we accept Christ’s payment for our sins, He destroys both the penalty and power of sin in our lives. However, this side of heaven, we do still have a very real sin nature. And because we are but redeemed sinners, our service for the Lord can be tainted by sinful motives and attitudes. One sin that seems to arise often in the context of ministry is envy. How are we to respond?

If you were asked what street sign best characterizes this current season of your life, what would you say? Learning Ladyhood is called that for a reason, and this week’s post is about one of the lessons God is teaching me this summer.

Be Still and Know
Ever struggle with the uncertainties of life? God knows we are prone to worry and fret over things we don’t understand or can’t control. Thankfully, He has given us exactly the instructions we need to know how to deal with life’s many uncertainties!

Follow Daily
We’ve looked at what it means to deny self, take up one’s cross, and follow Christ, but there is one more aspect of discipleship linked to Matthew 16:24-25 by its parallel passage in Luke 9:23. One word is included in the Luke account that defines the scope of following Christ.

Follow Christ
The last two posts have looked at how to deny ourselves and take up our cross, but what does it mean to really follow Christ? Is it just self-denial and cross-bearing, or is that just the beginning?