Thoughts along the Journey…
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Psalm 125:1 Secure and Rooted
The poetic imagery of the Bible isn’t just for show. The descriptive pictures painted in Psalm 125:1 have been carefully chosen to illustrate an amazing truth about the relationship between God and His people.

Avoiding Error
No one likes to be wrong. When it comes to spiritual truth, there’s only one way to avoid falling into error.

The Source of Contentment
Have you ever found it difficult to be content with something in your life? Hebrews 5:13 tells us that contentment is tied to what we do with the promises of God.

Start Small
It can be easy to think the small things don’t matter, but God reminds us in the book of Zechariah that often, those small things are just the beginning.

The Power of your Countenance
God made mankind to communicate, and the face is one of our most powerful tools of communication. It can also be one of our most mindlessly wielded tools. This is a challenge to pay attention to what your countenance is saying!

Redeeming the Unredeemable
There are things in life that simply seem too far gone—unable to be fixed up enough to be useful for anything. But God is the great Redeemer, and there is nothing too hard for Him!

Why teach the Bible to Children?
Ever wonder if it’s worth it to teach Scripture to children? In addition to the Biblical commands to pass God’s Word along to the next generations, the Bible contains a very practical example of how this can work.

Walk In the Light
Throughout the Bible, a believer’s relationship with God is described in terms of light. So what does it mean to walk in the light?

The Comfort of God’s Presence
The fact that God is present everywhere at all times is something we often know in our heads, but fail to take to heart. When we consider what God’s omnipresence means to us individually, that knowledge brings comfort and security to our hearts.