Thoughts along the Journey…
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Modern societies tend to view obedience as a negative thing, and the concept of God’s commands as something grievous, but the Bible teaches just the opposite.

The One Who Sees Our Sorrows
When we face a season of sorrows, it is easy to feel like God is far away, or that He is not paying attention to what we are going through. But that is simply not true. Our God sees our sorrows, He knows every detail of what we are going through, and He cares!

Meekness: Fruit of the Spirit Part 9
Meekness is often seen as a weakness in our culture, but Scripture shows us that it is one of the outpourings of a heart yielded to the Holy Spirit.

Gentleness: Fruit of the Spirit Part 6
Gentleness is something we enjoy receiving, but sometimes have trouble extending to others. What does it mean to us that the fruit of the Spirit is gentleness?

Heavy Laden
Does life ever seem like a heavy load? God knows, cares, and offers us rest in exchange for our burdens.

The Meek
Blessed are the meek… our society views meekness as a negative, a weakness to be put aside. But how does the Bible define meekness, and why is it so valued?

Prepare Him Room
December is full of the busyness of Christmas preparations. But it is easy to overlook the most important part: preparing our hearts.